Top 5 Denzel Washington movies rated

Top 5 Denzel Washington movies rated

5. Glory– Released in December of 1989 the film depicts the struggles of American captain Robert Shaw and his difficulty in taking over the 54th Massachusetts infantry regiment (one of the first all black in the nations history) at the height of the american civil war. Our man Denzel plays the young privet Silas Trip who has difficulty taking orders from a white field commander in the form of Matthew Broderick. Washington gives a masterful performance and expertly highlights the modern parallels of American race relations while outshining an otherwise star studded cast. Truly Masterful.

4. Antwone Fisher– This 2002 american bio-pic marks Denzels directorial debut, way to be! In it he masterfully depicts physiologists Jerome Davenport whom through patience and hard life lessons helps the films name sake navigate life and confront his trouble past.

3. Remember the Titans– In this 2000 biographical sports movie Mr. Washington depicts the no nonsense high school football coach Herman Boone. In his commanding performance he teaches us that no matter where or who you come from, we can all band together to overcome adversity through the true beauty of sport and compassion.

2. Philadelphia– Released in 1993 Philadelphia is an underdog story of humanity. Clearly out preforming his co-star Tom Hanks, Dezel Washington plays Joe Miller, a humanitarian lawyer who righteously leads the charge against a large law firm in a civil rights case involving AIDS discrimination. As the film progresses Denzel Washington teaches us to heal with love, and not hate.

1. My Reacquiring dream– Although not a real movie, Denzel Washinton stars in my dream every night! In it I have been captured by Denzel and tied to a great bolder. In the form of a giant eagle Mr. Washington descends upon me recounts my sins and devours my entrails. Every excruciating moment is pure cinema gold. Then, just before I die, Denzel explains to me that every night I will be reborn here on the rock and suffer this fate for all time. Truly he is a cinema master.

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